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Apfelsorte Jonagold von Elbe-Obst aus dem Alten Land


Did you know that Jonagold has the biggest area under cultivation in Germany?



In 1943 Jonagold was bred from Golden Delicious and Jonathan in the USA. From 1968 it spread throughout Europe. Jonagold has a beautiful large, almost round shape. You can recognize it by its greenish-yellowish opaque color, which can be striped to flat red on the sunny side. Its flesh tastes wonderfully juicy and ranges in color from cream to yellow. It is a sweetish-fine sour apple with a balanced sugar-acid ratio.

Production processes

Everything is organized at Elbe-Obst, starting from planning fruit plantations up to certifying, so that the retailers and finally the consumers receive the best quality apples, pears, cherries, raspberries and strawberries.

Certified Quality

In addition to internal controls of Elbe-Obst, the quality of apples, pears and pome fruit as well as soft fruit are also monitored by external inspection systems such as QS, Kosher certificate, ecological certificates or the regional window.

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