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Apfelsorte Roter Grafensteiner von Elbe-Obst aus dem Alten Land

Red Gravensteiner

Did you know that the Red Gravensteiner has been known in Denmark since 1669?



The origin of the Red Gravensteiner is controversial. Some say it comes from Denmark, other sources refer to South Tirol. It is one of the oldest and at the same time one of the most important early autumn varieties. However, it is not known exactly what its parent varieties are.

Its fruit is large to very large and appears a little coarse-edged, sometimes crooked and raised. Its opaque color can vary from yellow to orange to carmine red. There are also different color variations in the flesh: from green and white to a creamy color.

After the harvest, the Red Gravensteiner is very juicy and firm. In terms of taste, it is a fine fruity, spicy apple with a unique aroma and an accentuated apple scent.

Production processes

Everything is organized at Elbe-Obst, starting from planning fruit plantations up to certifying, so that the retailers and finally the consumers receive the best quality apples, pears, cherries, raspberries and strawberries.

Certified Quality

In addition to internal controls of Elbe-Obst, the quality of apples, pears and pome fruit as well as soft fruit are also monitored by external inspection systems such as QS, Kosher certificate, ecological certificates or the regional window.

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